Service & spare parts

Are you looking for suitable spare parts or operating instructions for your Kramer machine? You can get all the spare parts or operating instructions you need from our Kramer dealers.

Would you like to repair and maintain your machines yourself? With Kramer maintenance and repair packages you readily have all the right spare parts at hand for any machine. You can get all the spare parts or operating instructions you need from our Kramer dealers. This will instantly save you time and money.

  • Kramer Maintenance Packages

Kramer maintenance packages include all necessary maintenance parts. Each package is put together individually by Kramer for the respective type of machine.

  • Kramer Repair Packages

In the event that your mechanics repair Kramer machines by themselves, we have developed Kramer repair packages for you and your employees: You simply order the right set and get all the parts you need for a professional repair.

Original Spare Parts

All spare parts available from your Kramer dealer meet the high standards of our component manufacturers. Dimensional accuracy, performance, fit and availability of the highest degree can only be achieved with the original part.

Warranty and security

Security 24 / Security 36 / Security 60: With the extendable warranty of 24, 36 or 60 months, our customers can enjoy peace-of-mind for a long time to come. Consult your dealer for advice.

Education and training

The Kramer Academy is the modern training center for the service technicians of Kramer sales partners. Here, mechanics learn everything they need to know to keep Kramer machines up and running, and are constantly taught how new technical systems work.

Maintenance, diagnosis and repair

The certified technicians at your sales partner will ensure that your machines are back in operation as quickly as possible. For more information on repair and service of Kramer machines, click here: nachlesen.


Easy planning for the next maintenance session with EquipCare. Always one step ahead, because EquipCare provides data, facts - and answers to the questions: Where is my machine at the moment and when is maintenance and the replacement of wear parts economically sensible? This helps you avoid breakdowns and increase the service life of your machine.


More information about EquipCare